
Explore HelloCure's simple, seamless, and secure checkout.

Use HelloCure's mobile-optimized checkout to power monthly donations.

Choose a plan, add allies, and preview

An easy method to choose a plan, add optional add ons, preview the summary, and proceed to checkout.

Fee-free donations

Ensure that 100% of each recurring donation is deposited into your bank account. Small monthly donations mean small monthly fees - allies (monthly donors) cover these small fees.

Create an account to manage the monthly donation

Create an account effortlessly via Google, Facebook, or email. Allies can easily manage their monthly donations, including viewing details, downloading tax receipts, and more.

Complete checkout and pay securely.

Pay with Credit Card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

Learn about payments

Customized thank you page

The initial donation is complete, and recurring donations are set up. On the thank you page, you can add a custom thank you video or redirect visitors to your website.

Add checkout to your recurring donation strategy