Introducing Split Donations!

Raise monthly donations for your mission while giving to research in real time.

Split Donations empower family and advocacy focused nonprofits to raise monthly funds for their mission while giving to research in real time in honor of their child.

Secure monthly funds.
Give to research.
It's a win-win.

Give to research in honor of your child, but only while securing funds for your mission.

How split donations work

Think of it like a Lyft ride, but instead of a payment being split between Lyft and the driver, a monthly donation is split on a recurring basis between 2 childhood cancer nonprofits. If an ally (monthly donor) gives $10/mo, the donation is split (either 75/25 or 50/50), based on your HelloCure plan.

See the Split 25 and Split 50 plans

Give to research without the need for infrastructure

You don't need a medical review board, and you don't need to wait to give to research. You can start earning for your nonprofit *and* be set up to give to research - in just 15 minutes. Just choose the Split 25 or Split 50 plan, select a research-focused nonprofit to split with, and HelloCure handles the rest.

See the Split 25 and Split 50 plans

See all Split Donations in your dashboard

The HelloCure nonprofit dashboard provides a full audit trail of all split donations.

Start fundraising with Split Donations today. It's 100% free.