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How HelloCure Works

HelloCure helps your childhood cancer nonprofit earn more hands-off monthly donation revenue. How? It's simple - enable families and supporters to create any number of monthly-only donation pages.


Set up your nonprofit account

An easy set up guide walks you through the entire process - 501(c)(3) settings, enable payments and payouts, and choose a plan. We'll even hop on a Zoom call with you to help. It takes about 15 minutes. When you're done, anyone can create a monthly page to benefit your nonprofit.


Create a monthly giving program (optional)

Nonprofits can create their own monthly page, in addition to the pages from parents and supporters. These are especially useful for childhood cancer nonprofits who want to unlock monthly donations immediately, and make the page custom and meaningful.

Add your logo, customize emails, and more.


Invite families and supporters to create monthly donation pages

Send a simple invite link, and they can sign up and quickly create a monthly-only donation page. Pages can also be customized in more detail as well.

Learn more

Not only can parents make quick donation pages to benefit your nonprofit, they can also use HelloCure's Parent Portal to completely customize the page in honor of their warrior.


Build your fleet of monthly donation pages

We want you to be able to earn multiple streams of recurring donation revenue so you can do more of the good you are already doing.

Explore the 3 donation page models

HelloCure enables your nonprofit to have multiple recurring donation streams that run simultaneously. Based on your nonprofit's plan, you can have a combination of any of the 3 models (parent-created pages, nonprofit-created pages, split donations).


Parent-created donation pages.

Warrior-parents create meaningful donation pages to honor their Warrior. All donations are recurring, any number of parents can benefit your nonprofit, all recurring donations flow to your nonprofit on a rolling 2 day basis. Available on specific plans.

See Plans & Features


Nonprofit-created donation pages.

Add a "Small Recurring Giving Program" to your website and/or to share on social media. Customize your donation page to include your logo, set up custom email templates, and more.

See Plans & Features


Split donations - power real time research giving

Split donations enable non-research focused nonprofits to partner with research-focused nonprofits, so everyone can raise recurring funds for their mission simultaneously.

Explore split donations

For example, a $10/mo donation leads to $7.50/mo to a family support nonprofit and $2.50/mo for a research-focused nonprofit.

Oh, HelloCure is 100% free.

Explore plans to learn more.